Pest Guide for American Cockroaches
American cockroaches are the largest species of common cockroach, with a length of around 3 inches. They’re reddish brown or mahogany in color and can be found in both northern and southern states. In southern states, they often hide in shady, humid areas like flower beds or around trees; in northern states, they’re often found in sewers and drains.
Both male and female cockroaches have wings and can fly (though their wings don’t develop until they’re adults). This makes it easier for them to find food like leaves, wood particles, algae, fungi, and small insects. However, they also like feeding on scraps and crumbs of food, which is why you may find them in your home. American cockroaches forage for food and water underneath appliances, in kitchen cabinets, and along the floor and if your home is messy, it serves as an invite to them.
Cockroaches can run very fast – up to 3.4 miles per hour which, given their size, is impressive. At this speed, you have to act fast to catch them if you see them scurrying along. Since they tend to hide, they usually scurry from one dark area to another, making them difficult to detect.
American cockroaches can squeeze under doors and through basement windows to get into your home. Once there, they emit a chemical called an “aggregation pheromone.” This odor actually causes the roaches to stay together, making groups of cockroaches likely. As more and more cockroaches gather, you may begin to smell a “musty” smell, which can alert you to an infestation.
Another way to tell if you have an infestation is cockroach droppings. These droppings are similar to mouse droppings and can be found in the dark areas where the insects hide. Because cockroaches can carry germs and diseases, it’s important you alert our pest control company if you believe you have an infestation. We’ll get rid of it quickly and effectively.