Pest Guide for Ground Hornets
Ground hornets, also known as cicada killers, are one of the largest species of digger wasps in the U.S. They can be up to two inches in length and have black bodies that feature yellow markings similar to those of yellow jackets. However, unlike other stinging insects, these wasps tend to be more solitary. When they do form nests, they can pose a threat to your home or office and can be especially dangerous if you or those around you are allergic to their sting.
Ground hornets can nest nearly anywhere, from flower beds to back yards to the dirt along sidewalks and more. Once they start burrowing, they can create nesting sites that are up to 1 ½ feet below the surface of the ground.
While ground hornets are most commonly found in the New England area, infestations can still appear in southern states. One thing to look for is sizeable holes in your yard or garden. These holes are usually around an inch and a half in diameter and if the hornets have dug burrows close to one another, you’ll find several of them.
Another telltale sign is large piles of dirt in the shape of a horseshoe. These mark the entrance to a burrow and are usually found in sunny areas.
Ground hornets like to nest in loose soil, so keeping your yard properly watered is one way to prevent them from burrowing in it. Also, since they prefer building their homes in sunny spots, planting vegetation for shade and laying mulch can help steer them away from the area.
Though generally innocuous, ground hornets can sting when threatened, which means you should never attempt to eliminate a nest without the help of a professional. If you find yourself with a ground hornet infestation, call the pest control experts at Ledford’s. We’ll assess your home or office and determine whether your ground hornet presence poses a threat. If it does, we’ll use effective methods to eliminate your infestation.