Termite Pest Control Services

Pest Guide for Termites

Types of Termites

If you do find termites on your property it is very important to contact our Columbia, Charleston Tri-County or Pee Dee area pest control services right away to eliminate them from your property. Just because you find evidence of termite infestation does not mean that it is too late to save your home it just means that you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Termite Damage

Termites have the unique ability to eat 24 hours a day and since they are almost always hidden from view, they can cause a lot of damage in a small amount of time without you knowing until there is serious damage. These pests also feed on more than just wood and will feed on any cellulose-based substances, books, boxes, furniture and many other areas in your home. Early detection is very important and if you suspect any infestation from termites please make sure to contact us so our Charleston pest control services can properly eliminate them from your property.

Home or Office Infestations

Termites have the unique ability to eat 24 hours a day and since they are almost always hidden from view, they can cause a lot of damage in a small amount of time without you knowing until there is serious damage. These pests also feed on more than just wood and will feed on any cellulose-based substances, books, boxes, furniture and many other areas in your home. Early detection is very important and if you suspect any infestation from termites please make sure to contact us so our Charleston pest control services can properly eliminate them from your property.

When it comes to types of termites, there are two that are commonly found in South Carolina – Eastern Subterranean termites and Formosan termites. Our pest control professionals can eliminate both types using the same treatment process. However, getting rid of Formosan termites may be more costly because of the liability in damages that these termites can cause. Our professionals may have to renew the area that was damaged.

More Information about Formosan Termites

Formosan termites are most commonly found in the Charleston Tri-County area between April and July. Their main source of food is wood, but they also feed on cellulose-rich items like cardboard, rope, paper, and some types of furniture. They can also eat through copper, asphalt, and some plastics, which is why they tend to be so destructive.

If you discover bulges in your paint or wallpaper, carton nests, mud shelter tubes, or wings in lighted areas (such as near windows), call our Charleston pest control services as soon as possible so that one of our experts can evaluate your home or business.

Protect Your Home or Business with Preventative Pest Control Services

Pest Guide

Use our pest guide to learn about some of the most common household pests. Click on a pest to learn more.

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