
What Restaurant Owners Can Do to Prevent Pests

Pests can affect more than just homes and office buildings – they can also affect businesses like restaurants. When a restaurant has a pest problem, finding a pest control company to eliminate the infestation may not be their only issue. They could suffer from unhappy customers, bad ratings, low sanitation scores, and more.

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18 Common Diseases & Illnesses Carried by Pests


When it comes to being human, there’s really nothing good about pests. (After all, they’re called pests for a reason.) But in addition to simply being bothersome, there are many different diseases and illnesses that pests can carry. Our Florence pest control company wants to remind and warn you of some of the sicknesses you can get from common pests like mosquitoes, ticks, cockroaches, and fleas.

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7 Common Pest Myths

black widow spider

Because pests are a nuisance to deal with, we’re quick to dismiss them without knowing much about them. This leads to pest myths that can spread around and provide false information. Our Lexington pest control company has found a few and busted them, such as…

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Termites


If you’ve ever had termites in your home or office, you know that they can be frustrating to eliminate. Termites colonies can contain anywhere from several hundred to several millions, all of which can eat 24 hours a day and feed mainly on wood, making them a prominent form of destruction.

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Our Newest Service Areas

At Ledford’s, we’re proud to announce that we now offer Sumter, Clarendon County, and Florence pest control to businesses and residents throughout these areas.

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Protect Your Home or Business with Preventative Pest Control Services

Pest Guide

Use our pest guide to learn about some of the most common household pests. Click on a pest to learn more.

Family Owned and Operated
Best of the Best 2022
Charleston's Choice Winner 2017
Termidor Certified Professional
2020 Mom’s Choice Award Best Exterminator
Walk for Water